• Rising Demand for White Sugar in Mainland China in 2024

    In 2024, the demand for white sugar in Mainland China is experiencing a steady increase. This rise is driven by a growing number of industries that rely on white sugar, such as food and beverage manufacturing, confectionery, and pharmaceuticals. Among the various sources of white sugar, Brazilian sugar remains the most popular due to its

    April 6, 2024
  • The Dynamics of California Wine Demand in Asia: 2023 Trends and 2024 Projections

    California, renowned for its prestigious vineyards and high-quality wines, has long been a significant player in the global wine market. In recent years, however, the demand for California wine in Asia has experienced notable shifts. The year 2023 witnessed a decline in overall wine consumption across the region, primarily driven by economic factors leading to

    December 9, 2023
  • The Unwavering Demand for Mexican Oranges in the Asian Market

      In the intricate global dance of supply and demand, it’s evident that the allure of the Mexican orange knows no bounds, particularly in the expansive Asian markets. Despite a forecasted decline in Mexico’s citrus production for the 2022/23 market year – a result of severe weather inflictions on trees, especially in the Northeastern producing

    August 9, 2023