China Puts Pedal to the Metal: Nationwide ‘China VI (6b) Emission Standard’ for Vehicles Announced

On May 8, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Commerce, General Administration of Customs, and State Administration for Market Regulation jointly issued an announcement regarding the implementation of the ‘China VI (6b) Emission Standard’ for vehicles. From July 1, 2023, the ‘China VI (6b) Emission Standard’ will be fully implemented nationwide. The production, import, and sale of vehicles not complying with the ‘China VI (6b) Emission Standard’ will be prohibited.

In an environment-conscious move, China aligns fully with global emission standards, signaling a pivotal shift in its automotive landscape. This development presages the gradual phasing out of domestically produced gasoline vehicles from history’s stage. In this new era, domestically produced new energy vehicles will compete side by side with imported fuel and new energy vehicles, creating a dynamic and green competitive arena in China’s automobile market.